Manage taxonomies
Manage taxonomies
The main taxonomy dashboard looks like this:
From the main dashboard you can run these operations:
Create new taxonomy
Update an existent taxonomy
View a registered taxonomy
Delete a registered taxonomy
Once you install ACPT or ACPT Lite plugin, a sync process with already registered taxonomies is performed automatically.
Please note that ACPT imports category and post_tag taxonomies labeled as "Native".
Register a new taxonomy
From the main dashboard click on the "Register new Taxonomy" button to create a new taxonomy:
The creation of a new taxonomy is a three steps process:
STEP 1: Basic
STEP 2: Labels
STEP 3: Settings
Basic (Minimum configuration)
This is the most important step. Define here:
Slug: The post name/slug. Used for various queries for taxonomy content. ACPT automatically escapes the slug for you.
Singular label: Used only in the admin panel when a singular label is needed
Plural label: Used only in the admin panel for the post type admin menu item
Labels (Additional labels)
Here you can find the labels used only in the admin panel for ordinary Wordpress operations.
The default settings are good in most situations, but feel free to change what you want.
Settings (Other settings)
Other important taxonomy settings.
Don't touch the default settings if you don't know what you doing :)
Once you complete the three steps you'll be able to associate the new taxonomy to a post type.
Please refer to the official WordPress documentation to get more info about registering new taxonomies.
Reserved Terms
According to WordPress documentation, avoiding the following reserved terms is particularly important, because it can cause WordPress to respond with a 404 error without any other hint or explanation.
For this reason, ACPT will not allow you to use any of those reserved terms:
Update an existent taxonomy
You have two ways to update a taxonomy:
by clicking the Edit link in the taxonomy dashboard
by clicking the Edit link in the View mode (it takes you directly to the selected step)
The update process is pretty identical to the creation one. The only remarkable difference is that in the update process, you can't modify the post slug.
View a registered taxonomy
By clicking the View link in the dashboard you can view a taxonomy.
The View mode is divided into three tabs, like the 3-step creation process.
Delete a taxonomy
By clicking the Delete link in the dashboard you can delete a taxonomy.
It's very important to understand that this operation DOES NOT DELETE anything on the terms WordPress DB table, but only the ACPT settings. After deleting a taxonomy you will no longer display it in the admin panel, even if the taxonomy records are still present. If you try to re-create the same taxonomy you will see the old data.
Please note that you cannot delete Native taxonomy.
Last updated