The form builder

How to use the form builder

Once you create your first form, open the form builder:

Available fields

The left sidebar contains the available fields, divided into four groups.

  • Standard fields - if you select Post Management action, only button and CAPTCHA fields will be available

  • WordPress post fields - available only if you select to populate a post type

  • WordPress user fields - available only if you select to populate users

  • ACPT fields - the mapped ACPT fields

Field settings

Once a field is dragged into the form builder canvas, click on it.

The left sidebar shows the field's settings, divided into three tabs:


The field's general settings:

  • Layout - the field's layout. Can be horizontal or vertical (required)

  • Alignment - the field's text alignment (required)

  • Name - the field's name (required)

  • Columns - number of columns, in a classic 12 columns grid (required)

  • ID - the field's ID (auto-generated)

  • CSS classes - Additional CSS class to be applied to the field (optional)

  • Label - the field's label. Blank it if you want to display no label (optional)

  • Description - a field description (optional)


Depending on the field type, several extra options will be available.

For example, if you are using an email field type, two fields will be shown:

  • Default value

  • Placeholder


First, you can mark your field as required.

Then, you can apply custom validation rules. Click on "Add rule" to create the first one.

Please refer to the Validation Rules section for more info.

Form builder canvas

Once you have dragged a field to the canvas, click on it to apply several actions:

  • Move - you can sort and move it along the canvas.

  • Delete - delete the field

  • Duplicate - duplicate the field

  • Deselect - deselect the field. You can deselect an element as well if you click outside the canvas

Last updated