The meta fields manager
Manage your meta fields
The meta fields manager looks like this:
Group settings
At the top of the page, you can find the group name.
Click on "Open settings" to edit the group settings.
Main actions
On the main header, you find three buttons:
Add meta box
Delete all
Try to create the first meta box: click of "Add meta box" button.
Managing meta boxes
The box header shows on the left the box name. Click on the "Edit" button to edit it.
On the right, there are four icons to handle the allowed actions:
At the bottom of the meta box field the is an "Add field" button, click it to add a meta field.
Managing meta fields
The field header shows on the left:
The field name. Click on the "Edit" button to edit it.
Four toggle buttons:
Show in the admin list
Filtrable in the admin list
Quick edit in the admin list
Field required
On the right, there are four icons to handle the allowed actions:
Click on the "Add field" button inside a box.
The field panel is divided into four tabs:
View mode selector
Two view modes are allowed:
List view (default)
Tabular view
Your selection will be saved in the browser's local storage.
Bulk actions on items
Every item (box, field, or block) can be selected by clicking on the checkbox right before the name; once at least one element is selected, a select box appears to confirm the operation.
Sorting items
Every item can be sorted by pressing the sorting handle button ("the three dots button") present in every panel.
Last updated