Install ACPT

How to install ACPT and ACPT Lite on your end.


Method 1: Auto

  • Log in to your WP install

  • From the Administration Panels, click on the Plugin Menu

  • Under Plugins, click the “Add New” sub-menu

  • Search for "ACPT lite"

  • Click the “Install Now” button on the ACPT Lite plugin (should be the first one)

  • After installation, you will find a new menu item "ACPT Lite"

Method 2: FTP

  • Download the Advanced Custom Post Types plugin from the official Wordpress repository

  • Upload 'advanced-custom-post-type-lite' to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

  • Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress

  • After installation, you will find a new menu item "ACPT Lite"


Once you have purchased an ACPT Pro plan, you can manage your license activation, account information, and billing information via our integrated licensing system.

Purchase license

Navigate to the checkout page and choose your plan.

Once your payment is made, you will receive the invoice from Paddle and an email with a reset password from ACPT.

Follow the instructions to set up a new password, and then log in to your dashboard.

Download ACPT

Now you can log in to your dashboard. Locate the Downloads section, download the plugin main .zip file, and install it as usual.

After installation, you will find a new menu item "ACPT".

NOTE: When the Premium version is activated the Lite version is automatically deactivated if the free version is already installed.

Last updated