Dynamic tags

Learn how to use dynamic tags on Elementor

Dynamic tags are one of the most powerful features of Elementor.

The dynamic tags functionality is defined in Elementor's core, but the basic version of Elementor does not support active dynamic tags. They are a feature of Elementor Pro.

Please refer to the official Elementor documentation for more info.

How dynamic tags work

Dynamic tags turn static controls into smart components.

With dynamic tags, users can leverage dynamically generated data on their sites.

Try to click on the database icon: you'll find ACPT dynamic tags in the last block of the list.

Post ID

By default, ACPT uses the global $post object to retrieve data from the context.

Occasionally, it could be desirable to override this behavior and retrieve data from a specific post ID.

For instance, you must provide a post ID if you need to use post meta information inside of a popup since the global $post isn't available in this scenario.

Supported fields

This is the complete list of supported fields:


Suppose you have an email field associated with the site pages.

Drag a textual field onto the canvas, then click on the database icon and select "ACPT Text field", then click on the wrench icon and select the corresponding email field.

In the same way, as the email field is also a URL field, you can use the email field as a dynamic URL source and convert this simple text to a mailto: link.

Last updated